Goblins have raided your village and captured your neighbors, your friends, your family.  You strike out strong on your mission to save them, but how long will that strength last?  And more importantly, what will you do as it runs out?

In this reverse-roguelike, the enemies never get any stronger, but you certainly get weaker.  Rush past the never-ending onslaught of enemies to free the four sets of villagers in each level, then it's time for your Last Stand!  Defeat all the enemies that have spawned, including the boss Goblin to clear the level.  Afterwards, make a choice on which ability you will loose, and your health and damage will decrease as well. 

The Plains

Free the villagers and then defeat the remaining Goblins!


Once the game starts, hit start/escape to pause and see controls.

Last Stand!

Once you've freed all the villagers, the Goblin boss shows up. He big.  Will this be your last stand?

The Forest

It's not over once you leave The Plains.

The Mountain

How far will you go to save your Village?


This game was created for the GameDev.tv Game Jam 2024!  Unless you count text-based games programmed on a TI-85 calculator or custom maps made in Starcraft, this is the first full game I've ever made!

Audio provided in part by:

Background Music:  https://freesound.org/people/LittleRobotSoundFactory/packs/18000/

Arrow_loose01.wav by SonoFxAudio -- https://freesound.org/s/649335/ -- License: Attribution 4.0

Other CC0 SFX from freesound.org

Hotfix 1 6/6/2024 16:56:  Fixed a bug that defaulted attacks to the right when mouse input stopped.

Updated 19 days ago
Published 25 days ago
Made withGodot


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Can't always attack to the left for some reason. I aim the blue thing to the left, click, the aim automatically switches back to the right and attacks right. Maybe because I'm on a touch pad?


Sorry about that.  I didn't playtest with a trackpad, might be a bug I have to iron out.  If you can, give it a try with a mouse or a controller, hopefully should work then!  Regardless, thanks for giving it a try :)

Definitely happens with the mouse as well unfortunately, but I like the idea of a reverse roguelike - that's clever =)


I dug into it, and found the problem!  The aim angle was defaulting to 0 every frame unless there was mouse input that frame.  Thanks for confirming you were seeing the issue too, I've patched it now, so  hopefully it's a better experience!

Well done, congratulations!


I dug into it, and found the problem!  The aim angle was defaulting to 0 every frame unless there was mouse input that frame.  Thanks for pointing it out, I've patched it now, so  hopefully it's a better experience!